Liposuction & Body Sculpting Recovery FAQs in Tampa, Florida

By: Dr. Robert Miles


Liposuction & Body Sculpting in Tampa, Florida

Curious about what to expect during your liposuction recovery journey? 

Dive into our comprehensive FAQs:

Showering After Liposuction Surgery: You can resume showering 24 hours post-surgery, using waterproof bandaids to protect the incision sites.

Follow-up Appointments: Expect follow-ups at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. These appointments are crucial for monitoring progress, addressing concerns, and ensuring optimal healing. Out-of-town patients can send progress photos for evaluation between appointments.

Initial Recovery: On the day of your procedure, anticipate fatigue and soreness. Arrange for a trusted companion to drive you home. Dr. Robert Miles recommends changing bandages frequently, with permission to shower after a full day. Post-shower, maintain dry incisions and switch bandages if they become wet. Once incisions close, apply Neosporin or antibiotic ointment. Wear compression garments or a Faja for 23 hours daily to enhance results.

Early Days Following Surgery: Prepare for some discomfort, bruising, and swelling, typically manageable with rest. We suggest taking a few days off work to facilitate recovery. Movement for circulation and hydration are encouraged.

Progress Over Months: Bruising usually fades within six weeks, with soreness diminishing by the 12-week mark. Expect visible improvements, though final results may take up to 12 months to fully manifest. Incision scars will continue to fade over time.

Immediate vs. Long-term Results: While fat removal is immediate, expect significant swelling initially. Final results become visible once swelling subsides.

Fat Cell Regrowth: Removed fat cells do not regenerate, but remaining cells can expand with weight gain. Dr. Miles emphasizes maintaining a healthy lifestyle for sustained results.

Returning to Work: Desk jobs may permit a return within 3-5 days, while physically demanding roles may require longer recovery. Soreness and swelling typically decrease by the second or third week.

Addressing Scars and Keloids: Dr. Miles minimizes scarring with small, discreet incisions. For those prone to keloids, we offer steroid treatments.

Dealing with Excess Skin: Liposuction targets fat; excess skin may necessitate additional procedures like a tummy tuck. We provide various non-invasive and laser treatments to improve skin appearance.

Maximizing Results: Adhere to post-operative instructions diligently. Wear compression garments, monitor incisions, rest adequately, and attend all appointments. Post-operative treatments and massages can enhance comfort and results.

Long-term Results: Results can be permanent with a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing diet, hydration, and regular exercise.

Exercise Post-Surgery: Dr. Miles encourages a gradual return to exercise, avoiding high-impact activities initially.

Managing Side Effects: Nausea, dizziness, and swelling are common but temporary. Prescription medication is available for relief.

Stitches and Healing: Stitches are removed at the 1-week follow-up. Bruising usually subsides within 10 days, while swelling may persist for up to 6 months.

Recovery Accommodations: A recovery house isn't necessary; we provide comprehensive support throughout your healing journey.

Stay informed and prepared for a smooth liposuction recovery process with our detailed FAQs!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.