Sculpting Confidence: The Triple Crown Collection in 2 Sessions*

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Meet our patient, a vibrant woman in her 30s who sought to enhance her natural beauty and achieve a more sculpted figure. Dissatisfied with the distribution of fat on her abdomen, flanks, and lower back, this patient consulted with Dr. Miles here at Tampa Bay Body Sculpting. Dr. Miles proposed a comprehensive approach to address this patient's concerns, recommending a two-step surgical plan to comply with Florida's regulations on the amount of fat removal allowed in a single session. The first surgery focused on liposuction of the upper and lower abdomen, laying the foundation for a slimmer midsection. The following week, Dr. Miles performed liposuction of the flanks and lower back, incorporating the innovative Signature Waist technique to further refine the patient's silhouette. To complete the transformation and achieve the desired hourglass figure, Dr. Miles utilized the harvested fat to perform a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). The decision to split the surgeries ensured optimal results, adhering to both safety guidelines and aesthetic goals. This case exemplifies the tailored and comprehensive approach offered by Dr. Miles, blending advanced techniques such as Lipo360, Signature Waist, and BBL to achieve stunning results. For individuals seeking transformative body contouring with a focus on safety and precision, Dr. Miles provides a personalized journey to a more confident and sculpted self.

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* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.